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Past, Present and Future

Past: We saw Star Wars: Episode III a week ago, when it opened. I saw about what I expected -- a lot of flashy CGI special effects, and Anakin Skywalker sliding down the slippery slope of morality and fear... into a pool of molten lava. I did not expect it to be like the old trilogy... no junky Millenium Falcon limping its way across the screen in glorious lo-fi, no one painting a Han Solo gray in this black-and-white world, no strong female character. So I was not disappointed. Incidentally, I was inspired to go purchase the original trilogy on DVD after our viewing and spent the rest of last weekend watching it, so I can say these things after a recent review.

Present: It's a gorgeous Friday here in central Indiana. We ate breakfast outside at the Deli (chocolate chip pancake!) and went rollerblading on the Clear Creek Trail. Samantha looked like an expert after not being on blades for a year (at least once she got the brakes figured out). Right now Samantha is watching Robin Hood -- the Disney version of course -- after being away from her video collection since moving up here. Tonight we've got a Memorial Day vegetarian cookout at Pete and Sarah's, complete with faux meat. Hmm... maybe I should pick up a burger patty on the way...


  • This time next week, we'll be in Minnesota, under the hospitality of Andrew Ellingsen and Eric Hopkins, for my sister's high school graduation. Not to mention the Twins-Yankees series. :)
  • I've got two leads on jobs for next year: Working for Gary Wiggins, the guru of chemical information at IU, and being an Instruction Assistant for the Main Library. Neither are for-sure yet, but I'm hopeful.
  • Samantha and I have finalized our living arrangements next year. Starting August 17th, we'll be in a very nice 2-bedroom apartment on the SE side of campus (at 2nd and High, for you townies). We are very excited about this: Samantha can't wait to be out of her increasingly small 1BR, and I can't wait to not have my life split between two places. We feel like this is a natural step to our relationship and couldn't be happier with our decision.

And the summer cruises on by... already at the half-way point for my Summer I classes. Life is good. Peace!

Comments (1)

be sure to punch every yankees fan for me.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 27, 2005 2:54 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Quote of the Week 19.

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