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May Day

Why is it that the phrase "mayday" came to represent something bad happening? The first of May seems like it should be a nice day. You know, with little blonde girls running around may poles with ribbons and such? It is a nice day here, incidentally.

I haven't updated in a while, and that's because I've been busy. This is my toughest semester, and the last couple weeks have definitely lived up to that. I've been 1) writing a plan for a collection development policy and 2) designing forms and queries and reports for my database and 3) doing online information retrieval about voice qualities in advertising in a lot of my spare time. All three of those are done now, making me about half done with final-type stuff. I've still got two huge papers to write for Wednesday and Thursday. Hmm. Those two days are really close together, aren't they? Curious...

But summer is coming soon. That is good. I've even got a decent idea of what I'll be doing. For the first half of the summer, I'll be taking two SLIS workshops -- one on Extended Archival Description (some sort of HTML-related technology thing) and one on Intermediate UNIX. A couple of interesting computer skills courses, basically -- a total of 3 credits, which is 1/4 of the credit load I take during the semester. And they're both on Wednesday. That and my 15 hours/week work at the Chemistry Library makes up all of my official responsibilities for Summer Session I. Sweet. Session II is still up in the air -- I've applied to be an AI for summer chemistry courses, but they haven't gotten back to me yet. I'll probably just have my Library work and not much else.

Otherwise, my plans are to 1) rollerblade and play frisbee a lot 2) watch a lot of baseball 3) read a lot. I can't wait. Oh, and maybe do some travelling...

  • May 14th -- Samantha's uncle Rich is celebrating 20 years with his partner and they're having a party this weekend. Meet Samantha's dad -- yikes!
  • June 4th -- Alison graduates from high school. Wait a second -- wasn't she just starting junior high? Man. I'll be back in MN (with Samantha hopefully in tow) to witness the event.
  • Sometime in July or August -- head to Georgia to meet Samantha's friends and see her hometown.

I'll try and be more prolific on here when the semester is over. Then again, I probably have less to talk about... ah well. So it goes. I'm off to join Samantha for a late lunch and go to a staging for a film project I'm doing with my choir... ? More news on this as it happens, I guess. Peace.

Comments (3)


You make it sound like a wonderful summer. I'm sure it will be...I'm looking forward to spending it with you. :)


It's not "mayday" that's a distress call. It's "m'aidez," literally French for "help me."

Doctor Professor:

Also, Maypoles are terrifying phallic icons. I can see why people would be screaming for help - it's a giant wang!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 1, 2005 2:34 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Things That Did Not Stay in Vegas.

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