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Post-Traipse Post

Well, we're back. Let's see what else I can tell you about the trip...

We puttered around Cape Cod on Thursday, seeing (surprise, surprise) two more libraries. Antonia works at a little public library in a town called Marstons Mills, where I bought a READ t-shirt (something every librarian should own, I think) and started reading Harry Potter 5. Bad idea -- now I want to read it instead of doing homework. We had some delicious salmon (made by 'Tone and JC, her beau) and had a very pleasant, relaxing evening.

Friday and Saturday were our travel days back home, which were mostly uneventful. We holed up in Williamsport, PA for our halfway stop. Samantha attempted to drive my car (a manual transmission, which she hasn't tried for years) with varying levels of success. I forget how difficult it is to drive a stick shift... We finally pulled back into Bloomington at 6 pm on Saturday. This was excellent planning on our part, as it was a godsend to have Sunday to get our lives back in order around here. We even had the opportunity to go see The Corporation, which is a fantastic and scathing documentary about corporations that was showing at The Cinemat. Please, please see this movie, y'all.

So, in the spirit of Harper's Index, I present:

Andrew's Spring Break Index
11: States visited (Rhode Island made eleven, on the way back)
9: Rides on the Boston subway
7: Libraries visited
5: Seafood themed meals
5: Desserts had
4: St. Olaf friends seen
4: College campuses visited
3: Sites visited that are the oldest _______ in continuous service in the US (Episcopal church, restaurant, library)
2: T-shirts purchased (one mentioned above and a "Yankee Hater" shirt with logo from Boston)
1: Rank of the World Trade Center in Baltimore in the list of tallest pentagonally shaped buildings, and also in pentagonally shaped buildings I've been to the top of
1: Fantastic friend who shared it all

So Spring Break is over -- boo hoo. I don't think I'd be so displeased about this if I hadn't picked up a cold somewhere along the way. And here I thought I'd be able to escape the winter without getting sick.

Thanks to all who hosted us and entertained us on the way. I can only offer the same in return if you ever find yourself in southern Indiana.

Comments (2)

anonymous patron:

Oldest subway in continuous service, if you went through Boylston, too.

Oh yeah...I remember Ramy saying that, actually.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2005 10:13 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Posting From Afar, Part II.

The next post in this blog is #97 - Bringing Up Baby.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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