« #98 - Unforgiven | Main | Posting From Afar, Part II »

Posting From Afar

I am in the basement of Harvard's Divinity School, where Ramy has graciously taken us for some free and fast Internet access. So I must post.

We have made a whirlwind ten state journey in the last three days. Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Maryland were behind us on Friday, on our way to Baltimore to meet and stay with Samantha's mother. Baltimore was nice -- a variably classy and dumpy metropolis on Chesapeake Bay. We ate crab and tootled around the harbor. Sunday saw Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts roll past our windows on our way to Boston. A brief stop in Hartford to connect with Carlynn Savot and Jeremy Glen, and we found ourselves not far from Cambridge, home of Hahvahd (as the Bostonians say).

Today has been spent sleeping in (aahh, sweet sleep...), eating at an awesome breakfast joint called The Breakfast Club (cue sweet 80's mix and posters of John Hughes movies -- I had The Criminal), poking around Boston's North End, where the thick Italian accents and stereotypes live on.

Must go -- ribs and wings to eat.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2005 7:45 PM.

The previous post in this blog was #98 - Unforgiven.

The next post in this blog is Posting From Afar, Part II.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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