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Stop and Go

My life feels kind of like a stick-shift car with only second and fifth gear working.

I kick it into fifth gear from Monday to Thursday, when my commitments generally start at 8 am and usually aren't through until (at best) 4 pm, or (at worst) almost 9 pm. Whew. I mean, one gets a lot done in a day this way, but where does one find time to do one's homework, not to mention the mundane-but-necessary things like grocery shopping or dishwashing? Samantha and I threw in the towel last Wednesday pleading exhaustion and went home instead of going to the gym, promising ourselves we'd make it up the next day (which we did).

And then I slip down to second gear for Friday-Sunday. I like second gear. It's a smooth ride, just kind of tootling along, fast enough to go somewhere, but not so fast that I need to maintain a high level of concentration. I think it's that concentration that makes the first part of the week so exhausting. Like today. I've done nothing of any worth except dork around on the web, listen to my new Olympic Hopefuls CD twice (preliminary favorite tracks: Holiday, Whisper), and update my blog. I'm thinking a shower might be nice sometime soon, but you know, I'm in no rush.

So I'm currently trying to decide if the three days of little scheduling and rest are worth the four hectic ones. The thought is dawning on me that four days might be too small to fit a whole work week into and maybe I should try to move some scheduled commitments to Friday. Note I said "dawning" and the thought hasn't exactly fully formed yet, as it is likely being beaten back down the horizon by my enjoyment of Fridays off. I guess I'll just wait and see who wins.

In other news:

  • Speaking of Friday, had a really nice one yesterday. Samantha and I walked into town and had pancakes at the Deli, went by the library to pick up AFI #99, then went up to campus to run errands, went out and did laundry and found her a new backpack, and got back in time to get dressed up and go to Mikado for sushi (sooo good) before going to the opera, which was A View From the Bridge. Which sadly did not exactly change my opinion about contemporary opera much (which is that they are bad). I think Arthur Miller's plays are best when they remain plays.
  • My classes are going pretty well. Both the Info Retrieval and the Database course have ongoing, semester long projects that have their first 'milestone' assignment due this week. Which I should be thankful for, because the milestones for this assignment will perhaps keep me from procrastinating on them. Perhaps.
  • We have started looking at DIALOG in my Info Retrieval course, which is the second text-based, command line system I've be introduced to this semester (after the STN system that Chemical Abstracts uses). Which is my cue to start mixing the two up terribly. Sigh.
  • Speaking of CA, Gary Wiggins, the prof for my Chem Info Retrieval course, is starting to plan a field trip to the Chemical Abstracts offices in Columbus, OH. I'm excited about the prospect of doing this, which just goes to show how much of a library nerd I am.
  • Let me emphasize again. The sushi at the Mikado was really, really good. Highly recommended.
  • Hey, is that Bowl thing coming up soon? I've seen something about that whilst trawling the baseball sites I frequent. That means funny commercials, right? I'm all about that. Who wants to watch?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, all. Peace.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 5, 2005 2:07 PM.

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The next post in this blog is #99 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.

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