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Chickening Out

I am in the process of dropping my History of Science course. I had a heart-to-heart with myself, and I said to myself, "Self, do you really think you're going to read a book a week with three other classes to attend to?" And the answer was a resounding no. I'm not sure what made me think that it was actually plausible that this would occur. I was seriously kidding myself. Sadly this is the first time an academic course simply scared me out of taking it. I am not impressed with my behavior. I've been trying to rationalize it to myself all day and it's only sort of working.

So I hope to be adding L546 (User-Centered Database Design) in it's place. "Hope" being the operative word. Unfortunately for cowards and Johnny-Come-Lately's like me, the drop/add process after the first week of classes is hellish -- involving multiple redundant signatures and a 25% tuition fee. I'm not sure how this is going to work with my fee remission -- Rhonda the Amazing SLIS Office Worker filled me in a little and assuaged my fears. But we shall see.

Otherwise things are situation normal. So, 'til next time...

Comments (3)


Yeah - Readng books is good.. this was a look at the double major. Seems like the mind expansion provided by the reading might be greater or at least equal to the hassle of getting out of it. Great minds shouldn't languish.


Yeah, I know this. I considered the class as a microcosm of the type of work I would be doing as a student of History and Philosophy of Science. And it occurred to me that I'm not a very good history or philosophy student. I didn't do very well in my history and philosophy courses at St. Olaf. I may enjoy it, yes, but it isn't really catered to my gifts (science, technology, etc).

As for the books, I went ahead and bought them. And it may prove difficult to return them now, seeing as I've lost the receipt. So I may be reading them anyway... just on my own time. Which is fine... they do look very interesting. And being forced to read them in one week's time when I'm distracted by other things would have definitely decreased my comprehension and enjoyment of them.

once i discovered that i had to read a book a week for every class here at hbomb, i learned to speed read. saved my life.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 18, 2005 8:36 PM.

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The next post in this blog is My Fate, Dante-Style.

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