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Excitement in Minnesota

I am in Minnesota now. It is Wednesday. I have until next Wednesday to get my fill of all things Minnesotan for another indeterminate length of time. If you wish to do any of the following things:

  1. See me
  2. Meet my girlfriend Samantha, who is (to my immense delight, and against all better judgment, fiscally or chronologically) making the trek up here on Friday and will be here until Wednesday as well
  3. Have a well-trained soprano and baritone-bass at your service
  4. Get help moving into your apartment (Kari?)
  5. Go out to dinner or see movies or concerts with company instead just by your lonesome, you antisocial loser
  6. See the Olympic Hopefuls at Station 4 in St. Paul on New Year's Eve

... please e-mail, or call this number: 651-430-2464. This is not my cell phone number. Do not call my cell phone, because it is in Indiana somewhere doing me no good. It is the number for my parent's house in Stillwater, where I am staying for the week.

Did I mention that Samantha is coming up to Minnesota?

Samantha is coming up to Minnesota. :) I have this inexplicable urge to squeal like a schoolgirl. It's embarrassing. But very nice.

Anyway! Call me! E-mail me! Let's do this thang!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 29, 2004 4:01 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Box Office Poison.

The next post in this blog is Signing Your Life Away.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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