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Manic Monday

I generally don't like Mondays. But the way my Mondays have been going the past couple weeks, that may be turning around. What an exciting development.

Things continue to cruise along here in library science land...

  • Done with the UNIX module of 401. Easy as pie. Next is HTML. Why couldn't I completely waive this class? Sigh.
  • I actually did my reading for Reference today. Of course, it was on dictionaries, and really, there's only so much to read about dictionaries... at least, once you get past the whole prescriptive vs. descriptive debate... and (much to Samantha's dismay, apparently) I think I fall on the descriptive side of this one. ... did I just write all that? Wow, I'm a nerd.
  • Rocked and rolled my assignments for Management. I almost forgot that we get grades here. I care so little about grades, honestly. If I'm learning what I need to learn in order to be a good librarian, isn't that all that matters?
  • I've registered for classes for next semester. Collection development and online information retrieval, here I come. I will also be taking a class in the History and Philosophy of Science department, as a trial run of what it might be like to get a master's over there as well. Cool!

In other news:

  • These Red Sox are on a roll. Never mind that the things they have to do to Curt Schilling in order for him to pitch make me want to hurl. <shudder>
  • Kantorei had their fall concerts last weekend. I was feeling sad the last few nights, knowing Axel & crew were out doing their thing without me. Someone drop me a line and tell me how it went.
  • I'm digging this weather. High of 71 yesterday, and 69 today. Winter? What winter?
  • Samantha and I will likely be heading to Chicago the weekend of November 6-7. Saturday will be busy finally buying my desk from IKEA and seeing Storyhill (yes!!!), but we'll have all day Sunday to bum around. I've never planned a trip to Chicago all by myself. Any suggestions on things to do?

I must be off - happy Mondays are still busy Mondays. :) Peace.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 25, 2004 11:56 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Red Sox Win the Pennant.

The next post in this blog is Commentastic!.

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