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Being a Player

I am the Rob Grace of SLIS at Indiana University.

(If you're reading this, Rob, please know I write this only with the utmost respect for you after getting to know you later on.)

Some of you perhaps remember Rob's behavior freshman year. I recall many a lunch or dinner in the old caf, sitting with some of the Kitt boys, and watching Rob walk by, tray held high, following or leading about 6 girls to a table. We'd wave him over, and he'd shake his head, with that little smile. What a mac daddy.

I never understood exactly what causes this behavior. I do know.

As previously mentioned, the gender ratio here at SLIS is heavy in my favor. Much like Kittelsby Hall at St. Olaf. So the chances of me running into and meeting girls here is much higher than the chances of me running into and meeting boys. It's not that I'm really expressly trying to meet as many girls as I can. I'm just being friendly and open... and I can't help it that I'm naturally going to gravitate towards beautiful women, can I?

So what is the result? One of my new friends here states that whenever she sees me, I'm surrounded by women. I can't believe this is true. But I'm gathering that perhaps it is. Not by any conscious doing of my own. Just by the combination of circumstances. When I think of the people I've met so far that I can name, I can think of nine that are female and three that are male.

Could this be what happened to Rob? He's a friendly guy, and certainly not adverse to the company of a pretty girl. And from what I know of him, he's not a player in personality. Could the same thing be happening to me?

Stay tuned...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 9, 2004 9:21 PM.

The previous post in this blog was This Is a Hard Job.

The next post in this blog is Nickel Creek and Other Joys.

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