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21 Days

Three weeks until Nickel Creek! :)

For those of you who didn't know, I'm a big fan of the Minnesota Twins, my hometown baseball team. And for those of you who don't know, they have a pitcher named Johan Santana. And this pitcher is unbelievable. Just head on over to the Twin's page at ESPN and you will find a number of links to this man's amazing season. Tonight, for instance, he pitched eight innings of shutout ball, striking out 14 batters. Fourteen. Wow.

I saw a few cool musical acts at the Lotus Festival here in Bloomington yesterday. Rachael Davis is a Michigan native making a name for herself in the Boston area as a singer/songwriter. She was fabulous. A band called Fruit from Australia sang some amazing and very passionate music, with great harmonies. And the Dorkestra was cool, too -- although honestly, I just wanted to be able to say I've seen a band called the Dorkestra.

In other news:

  • My old enemy, procrastination, has returned. Hopefully grad school will be more forgiving than teaching was in this regard. Somethings tells me this is unlikely, however.
  • Gillian sent homemade cookies last week. She's my hero. Unsurprisingly, they're almost gone.
  • Summer is still here. Sigh. Has fall arrived yet in Minnesota?
  • I've had a couple interesting e-mails exchanged with Megan... for those of you who know, they've been honest and very productive -- I'm feeling much more resolved about old, old issues. This is good news.
  • Thanks to Rob for the personal note! I'll write back soon, Rob.

Time for bed. Ah, sleep deprivation, how I've missed thee... peace, y'all.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2004 11:15 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Nickel Creek and Other Joys.

The next post in this blog is Cool Stuff.

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