Election Day 2008
As before, I have done my civic duty. Please go do yours.
It's my third presidential election and I'm hoping to break my record of not voting for the winner. Third time's a charm?
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As before, I have done my civic duty. Please go do yours.
It's my third presidential election and I'm hoping to break my record of not voting for the winner. Third time's a charm?
I'm having trouble coming to terms with Barack Obama's victory in the presidential election. I mean this in a number of ways.
This post was originally titled "Stuff We've Done Recently" but I can't think of much more besides these two items. And they have more in common than just being stuff. Our distance from the closest major metro area is just far enough to make the innocuous sounding "trip into town" a major event. But when we do, it's usually a good time:
The third in a three part series about my crazy year masquerading as a professional choral singer in Los Angeles.
Continue reading "Singing in LA #3: The Occidental Chorale" »
Here's your heartwarming Thanksgiving link for the day.
We're in Danbury for the holiday this year. Georgia was the planned destination, according to our customary rotation, but it didn't quite come together financially after the cross country move and the latest cat health crisis. But it's all good -- we're hosting Samantha's colleague Laura and her partner Sara for what I expect to be a fantastic meal. Maybe we'll take pictures with our new camera!
So a happy Turkey (or Turkey-less, in our case) Day to you and yours. More updates soon.
This page contains all entries posted to This Side of Lost in November 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.
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December 2008 is the next archive.
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